How it all started…
I’ve been airsofting since I was about 9 years old.
It started with springers in the backyard with my neighbors. It wouldn’t be a street hangout without them. Then as I got older we graduated to AEG’s, GBB’s, and discovered that some of my other friends played as well. Soon enough, every school vacation had to have a trip to the local field. I was in love with the hobby and it made me a part of a larger community. Once I discovered airsoft-centered YouTube accounts like RainbowOps and MilsimJunkie, I wondered why people weren’t doing that in my local area. We had the fields and the players, but why wasn’t anyone recording it? One Christmas later and I had a Contour Roam 2 and started making airsoft videos as WildcatAirsofter.
I would record myself on almost every airsoft trip I went on, trying to capture cool footage so people could search a field name or “insert location near me airsoft“ and be able to see someone playing there before going themselves. My content developed into non-gameplay focused videos: showcasing builds, reviewing products, and showing people how to build or repair their items. Oh and don’t get me started on the music montages I would make to commemorate a trip with the best footage I could gather. I fell in love with video editing/content creation, and I had airsoft to thank for it.
Fast-forward to 2022. I’ve graduated college, I have a 9-5, and airsoft is still one of the focal points of my life. I don’t play as frequently, but interacting with the community online, writing articles on various topics, and supporting the locals who make airsoft possible in the community are big parts of my day to day life. But despite this, I want to give more back to the community that gave me over a decade of happiness, adrenaline rushes, and a love for content creation. That’s where Airsoft AF comes in.
Airsoft AF is a provider airsoft guns, gear, and related items. I’ve even designed and commissioned the creation of morale patches that are exclusive to AAF. I want to help the New England community and beyond not only play airsoft, but be equipped to play for a long time.
The “AF” in Airsoft AF stands for my initials, but it also plays off of the slang term “As Fuck” which, for the parents reading this, is an endearing term that means “extreme” or “to the utmost degree.” So being Airsoft AF is being extremely into to the hobby, something that I would like more people in our community to be.
While my operations may be small right now as a one person travelling shop, my goal is to expand Airsoft AF into not just a physical store, but to also host a field as well. We may be a ways out from achieving that dream, but I’m taking it one step, and one customer, at a time.